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You can have it all when you study local!

11 July 2023
Female sitting in an office in front of a desk and computer.

The tutors at NWRC were truly amazing. Their expertise, passion, and dedication to teaching were evident in their approach. They went above and beyond to provide guidance and support, both in and outside the classroom. Even after graduation, they continued to offer assistance and advice, which speaks volumes about their commitment to students' success.

Wendy McDermott
Foundation Degree in Travel and Tourism Management graduate

Student story

Wendy McDermott is the Events and Marketing Executive at the Londonderry Chamber of Commerce.

She previously worked at Derry and Strabane District Council organizing events such as the Clipper, Jazz Festival, St. Patrick's Day Festival, Halloween, and MTV Crashes. She also worked at the Epsom Derby, and was also the logistics/operations manager at both the Irish Open for five consecutive years and The 148th Open, which she said was one of the biggest highlights of her career.

And all because she studied locally – Wendy saw the benefits of studying at her local FE college and enrolled on the Foundation Degree in Travel and Tourism Management.

She said: “I wholeheartedly recommend pursuing a Higher Education course at NWRC. The tutors at NWRC were truly amazing. Their expertise, passion, and dedication to teaching were evident in their approach. They went above and beyond to provide guidance and support, both in and outside the classroom. Even after graduation, they continued to offer assistance and advice, which speaks volumes about their commitment to students' success.”

Wendy is proof that you can achieve everything you want to in your career when you study locally.

Course studied at NWRC

Foundation Degree in Travel and Tourism Management

Why did you decide to study at NWRC

I chose to study at North West Regional College (NWRC) because I wasn't quite ready to go to university, and I wanted to stay close to home. NWRC's reputation for providing quality education and its wide range of course offerings were appealing to me. The college's location in the North West region was convenient, allowing me to study in a familiar environment. Additionally, NWRC's modern facilities and supportive faculty provided the resources and guidance I needed to pursue my educational goals.

What difference did it make to you to study locally?

Firstly, the convenience of studying close to home was a major benefit. I didn't have to go through the hassle of moving or adjusting to a new place, which made my life much easier.

Financially, it was a cost-effective option. I saved a significant amount of money by not having to worry about expensive accommodation or high living costs associated with studying at a university.

Having my family and friends nearby provided a strong support system throughout my studies. Their encouragement and presence made a positive impact and kept me motivated.

Being part of the local college allowed me to engage with the community. I had opportunities to attend local events, network with professionals, and potentially secure internships or work placements.

Lastly, studying locally offered flexibility with my schedule and commute. I could effectively balance my studies, personal life, and part-time work without feeling overwhelmed.

Overall, studying at NWRC locally was a game-changer. It provided convenience, financial savings, a support system, community engagement, and flexibility. It was the right choice for me.

Tell me about your course.

The Foundation Degree in Travel and Tourism Management was an incredible journey that not only provided me with valuable knowledge and skills in the travel and tourism industry but also helped me uncover my passion for event management.

Throughout the course, I was exposed to various aspects of the travel and tourism sector, including understanding the dynamics of the industry, exploring different travel destinations, and gaining insights into customer service and marketing strategies.

One of the highlights of the programme was the in-depth exploration of event management within the context of travel and tourism. I had the opportunity to learn about planning and organising events, understanding the logistical aspects, and creating memorable experiences for attendees. This module truly ignited my passion for event management and made me realise the exciting career opportunities available in this field.

Moreover, the course opened my eyes to the vast array of opportunities within the tourism sector. I discovered that the industry extends far beyond traditional travel agencies, with opportunities in areas such as sustainable tourism, adventure tourism, cultural tourism, and more. This exposure allowed me to broaden my horizons and consider diverse career paths within the field.

The Foundation Degree in Travel and Tourism Management equipped me with the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive in the industry. I gained a deep understanding of travel trends, tourism marketing strategies, and the importance of providing exceptional customer service.

Overall, this course was a transformative experience for me. It helped me discover my love for event management, expanded my understanding of the tourism sector, and opened my eyes to a multitude of career opportunities. I am incredibly grateful for the knowledge and skills gained during my studies, which continue to shape my professional journey.

What did you do afterwards?

After completing my course, I made the decision to forgo university as it wasn't the right fit for me at the time. Instead, I jumped straight into the world of work. I joined the Festival and Events team at Derry City Council, where I had the privilege of organizing events such as the Clipper, Jazz Festival, St. Patrick's Day Festival, Halloween, and MTV Crashes. It was a transformative and unforgettable period in my life.

Continuing my pursuit of opportunities in the events industry, I persisted in trying to break into various prominent events held in Ireland. My persistence paid off, and I successfully secured roles as a logistics/operations manager at both the Irish Open for five consecutive years and The 148th Open. Working and residing on-site in Portrush for six months during The 148th Open was undeniably one of the highlights of my career. Additionally, I had the exhilarating experience of being flown to London to work at Epsom Derby, where I thrived in the buzzing atmosphere and derived immense satisfaction from contributing to the success of the event.

Driven by my passion, I decided to return to university to pursue a degree in marketing, complementing my experience in event management. With this combined practical and academic knowledge, I landed my current position as the Events and Marketing Executive at the Londonderry Chamber of Commerce. In my role, I am responsible for organizing over 40 events annually, including prestigious gatherings such as the President's Annual Dinners, energy conferences, workshops, and networking events. Each event presents a fresh opportunity, and I relish the challenges and rewards they bring.

Overall, my journey after completing my course has been one of growth, learning, and seizing opportunities in the dynamic world of events. From working on notable events across Ireland to obtaining a marketing degree and securing a fulfilling role at the Londonderry Chamber of Commerce, I have discovered my true passion and continue to make my mark in the industry.

Would you recommend a Higher Education Course at NWRC

Absolutely, I would highly recommend a Higher Education course at NWRC based on my personal experience.

One of the highlights of my time at NWRC was the friendships I formed with fellow students. The supportive and inclusive environment fostered strong bonds among us, creating a sense of camaraderie that enhanced the overall learning experience. The friendships I made not only made studying more enjoyable but also provided a valuable support network.

The experience I had during my time at NWRC was exceptional. The college provided a dynamic and engaging learning environment that encouraged practical application of knowledge. The curriculum was thoughtfully designed to equip students with relevant skills and industry knowledge, ensuring a well-rounded education.

The tutors at NWRC were truly amazing. Their expertise, passion, and dedication to teaching were evident in their approach. They went above and beyond to provide guidance and support, both in and outside the classroom. Even after graduation, they continued to offer assistance and advice, which speaks volumes about their commitment to students' success.

Moreover, NWRC offered various opportunities for personal and professional growth. The college actively encouraged participation in extracurricular activities and industry placements. These experiences not only complimented classroom learning but also helped to develop practical skills and build a strong professional network.

In conclusion, based on the friendships I made, the incredible experiences I had, and the unwavering support from the tutors, I wholeheartedly recommend pursuing a Higher Education course at NWRC. The college provides a nurturing and enriching environment that prepares students for their chosen careers and sets them on a path towards success.

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