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Strike Action Update

School Leavers (aged 16+)

  • Group of relaxed students casually sitting on bench

Our College offers a huge range of full-time study programmes available for school-leavers aged 16 or over.

These include Level 1, 2 and 3 Diploma's, Traineeships and Apprenticeships, as well as University level options at HND/HNC, Higher Level Apprenticeships and Foundation Degree levels.

We are committed to developing a personalised approach to your learning. This means your initial course application will be fully considered to match your current level of ability, skills and experience in your chosen area of study, while also taking into consideration your goals and ambitions.

When you browse through our courses, you will see details of our entry requirements which will indicate what qualifications and experience you should have when you consider applying. After applying for a course, students are often interviewed before being accepted on a course to ensure it is the right course for you, your skills, and future ambitions.

Find Your Course

If you’re getting ready to leave school or have just recently left, we have a course to suit your goals. Apply today!

  • Image of Chelsea O’Kane (Art & Design)
    Red decoration
    My course enabled me to explore so many different aspects of Art & Design that I would not have had the opportunity to do if I had followed the traditional A-Level route.
    Chelsea O’Kane (Art & Design)

Entry requirements

We have a set of standard entry requirements; however, the entry requirements shown on the course pages are dependent on individual needs, experience and aspirations. Our entry requirements are guidelines so that you know what level course you should be aiming at. In some cases and courses, our entry requirements can be waived at the college’s discretion to ensure you are on the right level of course for you and your ambitions.

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