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Explore your Students' Union

North West Regional College Students’ Union (NWRCSU) is run by students, for students. We look after your College experience….. yes, the learning that is unique, innovative and fun.

The Students’ Union looks after the interests of all students at NWRC and works closely with staff to ensure that life at the College remains vibrant, rewarding, and bursting with opportunity!

Student Council Elections 2023

Do you want to shape student life, meet new friends and boost your CV? Stand for election and make a real difference. Nominations close Monday 25th September.

You don’t have to join, you’re already in! Every student enrolled at NWRC is automatically a member of the Students’ Union. The Students’ Union represents all students on all campuses and with the help of the Student Council represents the wider student voice.

Danny Lyttle
Student Liaison and Events Officer

How it all works...

  1. Student Union Officers - We elect Officers to the SU Council. Get involved in this if you want to stand out on a University application or on your CV.

  2. Organise Student Activities - The Officers work with Danny Lyttle, the NWRC Student Liaison & Events Officer, to coordinate all the year’s activities. This includes organising Clubs & Societies, Campaigns, Sports Teams, Training, International Projects, and Travel.

  3. Class Reps - Recruit, train and collaborate with Class Reps.

  4. Work & Travel Abroad - Work with, and travel to partners worldwide. We are one of few Students' Unions to offer this opportunity!
Art Germany

Innovation and Travel

We are one of the only Students’ Unions to manage and develop specialised training and mobility worldwide for free. Yes, you read that correctly - this is 100% FREE for students!

  • DENMARK – we work with a partner school in Korsor, to send students to live and work. We’ve been doing this successfully for nearly 30 years!
  • SPAIN – we take students to Barcelona and teach them how to develop their entrepreneurial transnational skills. 2 weeks each year learning how to make you stand out from the crowd and add a little extra value.
  • THE NETHERLANDS – a special project to send Officers and Class Reps to Alkmaar to learn how to train other students and staff. We are the only SU to offer this project – we know because we wrote the content with our Dutch friend Guus Wink from WinkMoveMaker.

We are also planning a new project with countries such as Kosovo.

  • Image of Jordan Downey (former Student Union President)
    Red decoration
    I now have the opportunity to progress to University and achieve my chosen degree in only two years due to the preparation I received here at NWRC.
    Jordan Downey (former Student Union President)

How do I get involved?

You can run for election, become part of the Student Council and help provide a “voice” for students!

The Students’ Union Council is made up of 14 cross-College elected Student Officers who have varied responsibilities in the day-to-day running of the Union.

What roles are available?

The Student Governor sits on the Board of Governors which means the student perspective is included in any major decision making within the College. Students can also be elected to the following roles:

  • Student Governor
  • Student President
  • Entertainment Officer
  • Welfare Officer
  • Part-Time Student Officer
  • LGBT Officer
  • Secretary
  • Disability Officer
  • Women’s Officer

Get Involved!

Students from across all five campuses are encouraged to get involved with the Union body to organise events, support campaigns, trips and fund-raisers. It is an incredibly important team and we want you to get on board!

Contact us

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